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Sepsis Prevention Tips Provided You Are Having an Infection

Sepsis is supposed to be a life-threatening complication. This may occur in the event of some chemicals causing widespread inflammation when they are released for stopping an infection, into the bloodstream. Some common sepsis symptoms are a rapid respiratory rate, a super-fast heart rate, and fever. Sepsis may be progressing to severe sepsis and you would then be experiencing confusion, dizziness, and serious breathing issues. Suppose this condition is left untreated, you would be experiencing the deadly septic shock.

Septic Shock is supposed to be a state where organs fail to receive proper blood flow for perfect functioning because of incredible low pressure. Sepsis could be taking place post an infection that could be fungal, viral, or bacterial. Some common infections could lead to pneumonia, urinary tract infection, skin infections, and abdominal infections. Even though Sepsis could impact any and everyone, it generally impacts individuals with the compromised or weakened immune systems. The weakened immune system could be far more susceptible.

As per, diagnosing sepsis could be pretty challenging. Some of the criteria for sepsis’s diagnosis include low or high body temperature, fast respiratory or rapid heart rate, and a known or probable infection. No specific test could identify sepsis. For the proper diagnosis of sepsis, blood cultures prove to be the gold standard. Moreover, cell surface antigens could be identified with the help of flow cytometry.

Effective sepsis treatment would be including intravenous fluids, medications, and in some cases, surgery. However, complications may take place despite treatment. Some of the serious complications may include amputation, organ damage, and some post sepsis symptoms such as decreased cognitive function and fatigue. Some effective sepsis preventive tips:

Focus on Staying Updated with All Vaccinations

Sepsis cannot be prevented on all occasions but you must take proactive steps to avoid any infection that ultimately helps in reducing sepsis risk. Both bacterial and viral infections may trigger sepsis symptoms. Some viruses that may cause sepsis include influenza, chickenpox, viral pneumonia, and viral meningitis.

You must realize that viral infections would not be responding to antibiotics. If you are having a robust and healthy immune system, you could recover from a viral infection in no time even with some relevant prescription or even over-the-counter drugs. However, in the case of a compromised or weakened immune system, a viral infection could prove to be quite dangerous.

Doctors may recommend pneumococcal vaccines and influenza vaccine for healthy adult patients to reduce sepsis risks. A vaccine proves helpful in compelling your body to create essential antibodies against a particular virus. Your body would start building immunity to that virus as the vaccine would be fooling your body and make it believe that it is already infected with it. Consult your doctor about the right vaccinations for you.

Treat Infections Right at the Earliest Possible

You must nip the infections in the bud. The most effective way of safeguarding yourself from sepsis is to identify the infections early and treat them then and there without losing any precious time. Remember even a minor infection like a urinary tract infection could culminate into sepsis shock or sepsis if left unattended and untreated. If you are suspecting an infection, seek a doctor’s advice at once and do not rely on self-treatment.

Take Antibiotics as Recommended By Your Doctor

You must mandatorily seek your doctor’s advice and start having the prescribed antibiotics the moment you notice early symptoms of an infection. You must have medications strictly as per your doctor’s instructions. Do not discontinue the antibiotic course.


You must know that an infection could take the shape of sepsis if the recommended antibiotic fails to work. Often prescribed antibiotics also do not help in controlling the infection because of antibiotic resistance. You must inform your doctor and seek clinical intervention whenever you notice complications or no change in condition.

Author Bio: Anthony Karen is a health expert who has been running many health seminars and public discussions. She also manages her blog and reviews the health-related details provided by authentic sources.