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‘Life is strange: true colors’ somehow make cool superpower empathy

When you play life is strange: true colors, the good news is you don’t need to wait for the next chapter to continue the story. Strange life and sequel, such as Telltale’s The Walking Dead, described himself in episodic work from a full game. This means you can’t blow up the entire match in a matter of days, but have to wait, almost like a very slow TV show. Chapters will often end up with Cliffhanger, whether it’s a life-or-death decision or twists and turns of the main plot – life is strange to like a good twist plot. It won’t happen with true colors. Well, of course it will still be revealed big and cliffhangers, you don’t need to linger before the story continues and finishes it yourself.

This time, you played as 21 years old Alex Chen, who moved to Haven Springs in Colorado to reunite with his brother Gabe. According to the new E3 trailer, Alex seems amazed by Life Gabe has been made for himself, and the warm character living in this small mountain town. But this is Lis, and tragedy usually only a few narration ticks. Gabe mysteriously died, and the true color focuses on Alex’s efforts to find out what happened and what is responsible for Gabe’s death. Oh, and he has some high-level empathy talents that will help him on the road.

The movement of episodic content may still be the main difference between the latest games in a very powerful narrative series – one that always changes characters, locations, plots and playstyle. Even the creative talent behind it has changed. Strange life: true colors come from the team on the deck nine, not dontnod, although this is the same studio that works on life is strange: before the storm.

According to Jon Zimmerman, director of narrative games, this shift from episodic shipments was driven by fans’ “desire of freedom to get involved [with the game] as they want”. It will be interesting to see how public acceptance is influenced by this. The staggering release of this game helps players build their own fan theory and speculate collectively. As an independent title, we might miss it.

However, Deck Nine stared there were several benefits for this more traditional approach. Because the entire game is being made in the same period of time, it is possible to return and change the design and narrative. Jon Zimmerman’s narrative director explained that this blessing, they finally returned to the opening section of the match, and gave Alex his mystical power earlier than planned. He added that because Alex had the power of his empathy when he interacted with his brother, it could “play a meaningful role” in managing the relationship between siblings. Senior writer Felice Kuan staff added that there was also a profit to “do everything at once” when it was a game that deals with mystery.

Let’s focus on the power of Alex’s empathy. Yes, I thought it sounded a bit paralyzed, but it seemed to form a starting point for the overall game. The team explained that they wanted to present resilience amid despair – the protagonist apparently will come with his own baggage before having to deal with the death of his brother – and that this is not only the power of reading the mind, more “reading the heart”, the producer said Bassell Rebapcah. The game will likely expand the idea of ​​empathy, both in the true color and in the real world. “This is a two-edged sword”, said Bassell, “if you brand yourself as four, you can feel everything … and lose who you are. This is similar to the development of Alex in this game.”

Like most life is a strange title, you will listen to people around you, take action and make decisions that will affect them. However, with this empathy trick, you will get more insight into items – people will show their feelings even though they don’t voice themselves.